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ENVIROFORCE Health & Safety Policy
ENVIROFORCE is a privately held company that provides services related to both the upstream and downstream oilfield and its related businesses. ENVIROFORCE has a range of services that help its customers optimize performance, operating expense, preserve assets and add to the bottom line.
Health, Safety, Environment and Quality are all integral parts of our management system.
ENVIROFORCE Top Management is dedicated to the effective management of health, safety and the active promotion of safe working practices throughout our organisation. Our control measures are designed to ensure risk is as low as reasonably practicable. From initial induction, Health & Safety are principle elements in our training given to prepare personnel for their jobs. Full involvement of all personnel, individual responsibility and accountability at every level, in particular remaining vigilant throughout routine and/or repetitive operations, is essential to maintain our excellent safety reputation.
Leadership from the top will continue to confirm ENVIROFORCE health and safety commitment through:
Standardisation of individual responsibility and accountability throughout our organisation
Achieving targets and maintaining high standards throughout all departments and districts
Effective use, communication, feedback and optimisation of information through Operational committees
Continuous improvement by the application of safety policies and directives, monitoring, assessment and follow-up
Optimising personnel potential through our competency assurance system where quality andsafety criteria will be used critically as appraisal indicators
Performance is monitored continuously in order to identify areas for improvement, abnormal behaviour and to put in place effective corrective actions.
Maintaining the health, safety and security of ENVIROFORCE personnel is our ultimate objective and reflects our commitment to promoting safe working practices throughout the Petroleum Industry. By striving to ensure that every employee receives relevant training, instruction, supervision and feedback we shall maintain a safe and secure working environment.
Individual accountability includes adherence to acceptable conditions of fitness to perform assigned tasks Through close teamwork, the application and respect of our Safety, Quality and Environmental Protection Management systems we will continue to apply the highest practical standards and promote continual improvement throughout ENVIROFORCE.